To promote Jameson Cult Film Club's screening of Ghostbusters we brought a beloved ghost back to life (or maybe death...) using cutting edge hologram technology.

We designed, built and rigged a 3D Hologram of Slimer and, in the run up to the event, we brought him all over the city. Slimer dueted with a busker on the Quays and even surprised some customers in a Dublin pub.

This media first was made possible through the Kino-mo Holo Display, which is an incredibly smart piece of kit that consists of a fan like machine studded with hundreds of LEDs. When the machine spins at speed it creates the illusion of a 3D Hologram.

Edible Slime

Continuing the Slimer theme, we sent key bloggers and influencers 'Ectoplasmic Residue' (or Slime to me and you) in the post. The accompanying letter from Egon Spengler invited each 'expert' to an event where they could review each other's results. The samples of slime was created by non-other than Oliver Dunne of Bon Apetit, who seamlessly infused the slime with Jameson, Ginger and Lime.


Creative Director: Rory Hamilton
Art Directors: Laurence O'Byrne
Copywriter: Kris Clarkin
Designer: Diogo Dias
Production: Motherland
Sound Design: Gareth Averill